Friday, June 10, 2011

VA - Tribute to Civil Wars General

VA - Tribute to Civil Wars General (neji-118, CD-R, 2011)

01 FrosenPine - date [伊達政宗]
02 椎茸 - From kitabatake to BELTA [北畠具房]
03 DJ Yew - who link a zang [武田信玄]
04 DJ.G.O. - むしゃむしゃ [楠木正成]
05 bebedelbanco - 徹子の髭 [山中鹿之介]
06 Dag Shen Ma - bushixyou [大谷吉継]
07 ユニープスケレテン - 人気者を妬むブルーズ [明智光秀]
08 FUNERAL ATTENDANTS-真田幸村に捧げる「無題」 [真田幸村]
09 MASOROCK - 応仁のランデブー [足利義政]
10 Satanicpornocultshop - マムシのDoo3 [斉藤道三]
11 ユニープスケレテン - 尖閣諸島の猟師 [加藤清正]
12 悪魔大根 - 敵に塩 [上杉謙信]
13 orionza - Haunting Faked Dead Head [竹中半兵衛]
14 bebedelbanco - 将軍気取り [足利義昭]
15 ugh - Closer to God [織田信長]

Compiled by Akumadaikon (sakiika)
Art Direction by ugh

Hommage to Civil Wars General by artists of nunulaxnulan

Satanicpornocultshop - Mamushi no Dooo3 by nunulaxnulan

Bushixyou by dagshenma