Friday, June 10, 2011

VA - Tribute to Civil Wars General

VA - Tribute to Civil Wars General (neji-118, CD-R, 2011)

01 FrosenPine - date [伊達政宗]
02 椎茸 - From kitabatake to BELTA [北畠具房]
03 DJ Yew - who link a zang [武田信玄]
04 DJ.G.O. - むしゃむしゃ [楠木正成]
05 bebedelbanco - 徹子の髭 [山中鹿之介]
06 Dag Shen Ma - bushixyou [大谷吉継]
07 ユニープスケレテン - 人気者を妬むブルーズ [明智光秀]
08 FUNERAL ATTENDANTS-真田幸村に捧げる「無題」 [真田幸村]
09 MASOROCK - 応仁のランデブー [足利義政]
10 Satanicpornocultshop - マムシのDoo3 [斉藤道三]
11 ユニープスケレテン - 尖閣諸島の猟師 [加藤清正]
12 悪魔大根 - 敵に塩 [上杉謙信]
13 orionza - Haunting Faked Dead Head [竹中半兵衛]
14 bebedelbanco - 将軍気取り [足利義昭]
15 ugh - Closer to God [織田信長]

Compiled by Akumadaikon (sakiika)
Art Direction by ugh

Hommage to Civil Wars General by artists of nunulaxnulan

Satanicpornocultshop - Mamushi no Dooo3 by nunulaxnulan

Bushixyou by dagshenma

yoru no nunulaxnulan the 25 broadcasting

June 12, "Yoru no Nu NuLAX NuLAN" 25th Broadcasting on Radio 23. You can listen to Radio 23 from all over the world through internet: with iTunes, Real Player, WMP and etc.. Check this out.

"Takemi's Cheap Sweets Exotica Crazy Riddle Cassette 60min"

"Yoru No Nu NuLAX NuLAN”
@Radio 23 (NewYork, USA)
Broadcasting cycle: Once a month

The 25th broadcasting
June 12
Osaka 12th 13:00-14:00
Paris 12th 5:00-6:00
New York 12th 0:00PM -1:00AM
...and you can listen to wherever you are!